Immunization Records
All students are required to supply proper documentation showing satisfactory completion of all the following immunizations:
Vaccine |
Number of Doses Required Before School Entry* |
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis | 3 doses |
Polio | 3 doses |
Measles | 2 doses |
Mumps | 2 doses |
Rubella | 1 dose |
Hepatitis B (Hep B) | 3 doses |
Varicella | 1 dose |
*Please click here to learn more about the required immunizations and proper documentation needed for entry.
North Carolina Statute G.S :130A-155.1 states that:
No person shall attend a college or university, whether public, private, or religious, unless a Certificate of Immunization or record of presented to the college or university...on or before the date the person first registers for a quarter or semester during which the student will reside on the campus.
You must submit your most up-to-date immunization records via email to prior to arriving on campus for fall/spring check-in. This will help prevent any delays in the check-in process.